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 Siesta Beach Prayer Circle International


Our Mission

"Our mission is to bring the unbeliever to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; to help people grow in relationship with Christ by ministering the word, the work and a way of Jesus for daily living."

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Our Weekly Services

 Lido Beach Prayer Circle

In Sarasota, on Lido Beach every Friday night come join us on the beach at 4:30pm-sunset. There will be worship, music, free gifts, testimonies, prayer and gospel messages!

Siesta Beach Prayer Circle

In Sarasota, on Siesta Beach every Saturday night come join us on the beach at 2:30pm-sunset. There will be volleyball, worship, music, free gifts, testimonies, prayer and gospel messages!


Other Services and Events

If you are inspired by God to participate but the weekly services don't fit in your schedule. There are more ministry opportunities with SBPCI that are more flexible and have great potential to grow, so please get involved and grow in faith with SBPCI.

Homeless Outreach

Every Monday at 9:00 am we meet on Central Avenue Downtown Sarasota to minister with a gospel message, testimony, free coffee and snacks. Please join us! Bring food, clothing, bottled water or other necessary items for the needy. 



Bradenton Beach Prayer Circle

We frequently meet on Thursdays at Coquina Beach. Please join us! If you would like to participate contact Monte at 913-469-8306.

Orlando Prayer Circle

 SBPCI also has outreaches in Orlando and other cities in Florida. If you want to participate in any way. Please contact us.


White Structure
"On December 21st, a young man named Nathan prayed to receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior (for the first time) with Dennis and I... Also, the following weekend, three Chinese tourists, who said that they had no previous faith in JESUS, prayed to receive Jesus as well...God is on the move...Please pray for these new converts and for this ministry"

Monte Weaver

Our Team




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409 North Briggs Avenue, Sarasota, FL, USA

     Office: 941-228-6877

     Office: 913-469-8306

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Siesta Beach Prayer Circle International is a 501(c)(3) public charity. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Federal identification number: 92-0851818

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